Full name: Hrag Toros Avedanian
Date and place of birth: 1993- Bourj Hammoud
University: Lebanese American University
Major: Political Science and International Affairs
Educational background: Armenian Evangelical Shamelian Tatikian Secondary School Class of 2011
Interests/hobbies: Politics, History, Reading, Writing, Heritage, Culture, Music…
Special awards and certificates:
Alpha Leadership Web for Arab Leaders in International Diplomacy, Global Classrooms, Lebanese American University,
Model United Nations: Diplomacy Award.
Armenian Evangelical Secondary School Administration and Board of Trustees: Best Initiative Student Award of 2011.
Haigazian University Environmental Club: Certificate of Participation of an Environmental Seminar.
Horizon Drug Free Zone: Certificate of Participation of Drug Prevention in Armenian schools around Lebanon.
Community work experience:
Armenian Evangelical Social Center:
– Study Room Supervision
– Playground Program
– DVBS Summer School
Armenian Evangelical Emmanuel Church:
– DVBS Summer School
– Sunday school
Armenian Evangelical Secondary School:
– President of the Student Council
– SIPAN Armenian Folkloric Dance Group
Armenian Evangelical Central High School:
– President of the Student Council
Armenian Relief Cross of Lebanon:
– Rehabilitation Center Volunteer
– Study Room Supervision
Other important biographical information:
Aztag Daily News Paper: Translation and freelance articles.
Radio Voice of Van: Presenter of the “Ardziv” radio show.
Lebanese Youth Association of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation: Chair person of the Editorial Committee of the Association’s official journal publication.
> Why did I apply to the Jean Gouikian Scholaship and how has it helped
The Goguikian Foundation has a very altruistic and patriotic vision of a better future for the Armenian community. The Jean Goguikian Scholarship is not just a boost to continue higher education in Lebanon’s best known universities, but also a factual proof of the Foundation’s vision.
Honestly saying I rejected believing that the JGS was appropriate for me, when my principle first talked to me about it. “It’s too good to be true” I said, and passed the offer, walking out of his office… “Think again” he said with a smile on his face, knowing that I will change my mind eventually. A whole year passed and another team of the Goguikian Staff gave a lecture about the Foundation and its services offered to fresh graduates.
Humbly saying, I had all the criteria they were asking for, my academic scores were fine, I had done all my patriotic and religious duties actively, I was aiming for the public sector-mainly the foreign affairs and international relations department. So why not? Why not apply? Why not be a part of an organization aiming at having Armenian Leaders for the welfare of the Lebanese Armenian community? Why not be a part of the Goguikian Team?
So I applied, and was invited to an interview which would shape their final decision. I can never forget that interview of mixed emotions and feelings of comfort and anxiety, simplicity and yet a fine percentage of complexity… But the white flag eventually rose! I was accepted! I was now a potential leader of tomorrow, a student of the Goguikian Foundation.
Besides the scholarship, it offered trainings and seminars in many aspects of public life and duties. And last but not least it planted the seed of community work and service in every one of us, in one way or another.
With it came a lot of responsibilities and duties, but also a passage to fulfilling dreams. We had our ups and downs, our laughs and cries but we were now a Team, scratch that, a family!
Students of Armenian origins, from different schools, regions, mentalities, dreams, sects and political affiliations united in a single room, under the Foundation’s paternal roof, for a righteous cause, for a better future for our fellow Armenians, in the heart of the Armenian Diaspora-Lebanon. What the Goguikian Foundation succeeded in doing, no other Armenian organization has.
>My academic and professional aspirations
Being raised in an Armenian family, and a patriotic community, my affiliations have always been towards self enlightenment and wisdom. Because I believe that knowledge is power; and power is a major factor of change, a change that the world really needs.
Inspired by that notion of knowledge, I have decided to continue my higher education in any way possible! Lucky for me, The Goguikian Foundation was there to give a hand.
I am currently majoring in Political Science, in the Armenian Diaspora’s first and only Armenian University, and one of Lebanon’s most prestigious and qualitative universities: Haigazian University.
I am aiming for my Masters and PhD degrees in this field alongside International Affairs and Diplomatic Relations.
Why not become the next H.E. Jean Goguikian?
I am aiming at a diplomatic career, representing the Land of the Cedars, in different parts of the world.
And how lucky would I be, if one day, I could have the chance to represent Lebanon on a diplomatic level, in our beloved mother land-Armenia.
>My hopes for the Lebanese Armenian community’s future
I truly hope that one day, in the near future, the Lebanese Armenian community would be best represented in the Lebanese government. Yes, there is the Armenian Parliamentary Block, defending, with all its heart and abilities, the community’s rights and reaching its voice to the state, however the government is much more than the Parliament and Ministries…
The Armenian community has many opportunities yet to grasp, interactions to achieve and barriers to overcome… However keeping the Armenian Heritage and Identity should be the community’s first and far most important duty. Achieving heights, but losing the foundational base, is not a victory!
>My inspirations
I would say that my Ideal is a man of great wisdom, a comrade of unlimited patriotism, an eagle of incredible far sight.
Karekin Njteh, one of Armenian History’s most famous national fighters, having an important part in preserving the current boarders of Armenia.
He was a hero in every meaning of the word. Stubborn but yet polite, powerful yet humble, a leader yet a follower.
Njteh is the author of the famous slogan: “If you want to see the future of a nation, look at its YOUTH”.
I too believe that the youth is truly the manpower, the force of change and the factor of development of a nation. If we can invest in the youth wisely, the future of the nation is pretty clear. This is exactly what The Goguikian Foundation is trying to do!