Full name: Mihran Hagop Tchekmeyan
Date and place of birth: 1995- Bourj Hammoud
University: Notre Dame University – Louaize (NDU)
Major: Environmental Science
Educational background: Armenian Catholic Patriarchate’s Holy Cross – Harboyan High School class of 2013
Drawing, Motorsports, Photography
Special awards and certificates:
Drawing certificates:
– 2nd prize in the drawing contest of The Armenian Cultural Association Hamazkain- Toros Roslin Art Academy (2003-2004) and (2011-2012),
Appreciation award (2006-2007) and (2009-2010)
-1st prize in the drawing contest of Fabriano (2004) and (2005), 3rd (2006), 4th (2007), 5th (2006)
-1st prize in the drawing contest of Ploma (2003-2004)
-2nd prize in the student art exhibition of Holy Cross-Harboyan High School (2012)
Other Certificates:
– Certificate of participation in the seventh GC LAU MUN annual high school conference (2012)
– Certificate of participation in the Cadmus Project (Peace Cards from Lebanon) 2005
– Certificate of participation in the seminar of Horizone Drug Free Zone (2011)
Community work experience:
Holy Cross-Harboyan High school:
-Tutor in the study room (2010-2011)
-Tutor in the study room (2013)
> Why did I apply to the Jean Gouikian Scholaship and how has it helped
The Jean Goguikian Scholarship is a unique program, unlike several other scholarship programs it does not only focus on helping the student financially. Alongside offering full scholarships, The Jean Goguikian foundation is mission-oriented, it tends to increase and implement the contribution of the Armenian community in the public sector.
The fact that I had a chance to be part of the foundation’s mission, to help the Armenian community during my academic and professional years, and benefit from the scholarship urged me to apply. But after applying and being accepted I realized that there was a very important factor in the foundation that had attracted me to join. The main reason that makes the Goguikian foundation special is its “family” based structure and composition, all the members of the foundation form a big supportive and welcoming family. It is truly that I say, not only the Jean Goguikian scholarship has helped me financially; it has also supported me morally.
>My academic and professional aspirations
My academic aspiration is to excel in my chosen major, environmental science, and to continue my academic life and earn a masters and even a PhD degree in this major in order to widen my scope of knowledge in the field of my future career.
As for my career, I tend to serve the vision of the Goguikian Foundation and my personal aim, by becoming an effective and productive environmental scientist in the Lebanese public sector. My ambitions do not have a limit concerning positions or work titles. The main goal, regardless of the job position, will always be to help improve the environmental conditions, raise awareness of possible threats to the environment and find solutions, to emphasize the importance of this field in the well being of Lebanon.
>My hopes for the Lebanese Armenian community’s future
As a Lebanese Armenian aiming for a career in the public sector, my hopes are very high for having increased numbers of public sector workers from the Lebanese Armenian youth. Why not? When all the qualifications, educational background and patriotism are already present in each and every Lebanese Armenian pursuing a public sector career. Why not? When a pioneer supportive and ambitious foundation, The Goguikian foundation, is making it possible for the Lebanese Armenian graduates to become the potential leaders of tomorrow. These all are the key contributors for a better representation of the Lebanese Armenian community in the government and in the public sector as a whole. So the vision of effective integration of the Lebanese Armenian community in the Lebanese public sector is one step closer to being achieved.
>My inspirations
The people who have best inspired, guided and motivated me are my parents. They are the ones whom I look up to, the ones who best teach me the values of life, show me the outcome of hard work, perseverance and the importance of rising above all difficulties. It is through their inspiration that I was able and will continue to accomplish, once thought, unreachable extents of success.