Full name: Sarine Kevork Seraydarian
Date and place of birth: 06/06/1994 – Beirut
University: Haigazian University
Major: Economics
Educational Background: Armenian Evangelical Shamlian-Tatikian Secondary School (2012)
Dancing, Swimming, Reading
Special Awards/Certificates:
-Model United Nation-LAU, Certificate
-Horizon Drug Free Zone: Certificate of Participation of Drug Prevention in Armenian schools around Lebanon.
Community Work Experience:
Study Room Howard Karageuzian 2012
>Why I applied to the Jean Goguikian Scholarship and how has it helped
What encouraged me to apply for a Jean Goguikian Scholarship is the vision that it has, also it encourages Lebanese Armenian students to participate more actively in the Public Sector .This Scholarship will help me to achieve my academic dreams by entering the best university and participating in the Leadership Program.
>My academic and professional aspirations
My academic and professional aspiration is to be successful in my four-year university journey. I have learned that the more education the scholar receives, the likelihood of a more successful career increases. This may ultimately lead me to reaching my dream job and being able to make a positive impact in society. I have ambitious goals, but I know I will achieve them through a good education because education is the foundation of success.
>My hopes for the Armenian-Lebanese community’s future
I hope to see and be part of the brilliant future of the Lebanese Armenian community with the support of The Goguikian Foundation, which encourages Armenian youth to take part in the public sector. We should always take every opportunity to improve our situation and position and that can only be possible through education and hard work.
>My inspiration
You hear the famous quote “Behind every great man, there’s a great woman”, but I have a different perspective. I believe that behind every great woman there is a woman giving her strength, and that woman is her mother. Yes, my inspiration is my mother! She has spent countless sleepless nights with me during my exams, and she has really worked hard for me to have an education and reach success. In addition, I have gained inspiration from my experiences in day to day life as well as learned from my mistakes. They have helped me to a better individual and to withstand difficulties in life.