The Lebanese Parliament’s National Economy, Trade, Industry & Planning Committee issued three recommendations to improve the productivity of the public sector.
First, the committee recommended that the Central Inspection Board, which monitors the activities of the public administration, should assess the current structure of state agencies by conducting a comprehensive survey to determine the number of existing workers and employees in the public administration, and to classify them by departments and by positions.
Second, the committee asked Parliament to enact a law that allows the restructuring of the public administration, specifically to modernize it and redefine the job description of each position, given that the current job description system in the public sector dates back to 1959.
It called for the review of 86 bodies, agencies, authorities and councils that operate in parallel to the public administration, in order to eliminate or merge some of them, as well as to establish new ones such as the Civil Aviation Authority.
Third, the committee endorsed the Central Inspection Board’s recommendation to develop a system that evaluates government services. It noted that an electronic system connected to the Central Inspection Board should be installed in each administration and department, which would allow the evaluation of the quality of public services.
Byblos Bank Economic Research & Analysis Department